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Junior Room 8 - Mrs Morton's Class

Welcome to Junior Room 8 – Mrs Morton’s class

In our room we experience a wide range of subjects from the Northern Ireland Curriculum. The children enjoy sensory stories and relaxing with tacpac. We have fun, be creative and enjoy learning through play.

The children make the most of our terrific outdoor learning facilities – wild flower garden, nature trail, sensory footpaths, sensory garden and large pitch. We have weekly visits to soft play and the sensory room as well as weekly PE lessons in the hall.

We have a large classroom with a soft area to relax and an adjacent playground - where we can look at nature and enjoy the wheelchair swing   .

The day is very structured and organised for the children and we all work together as a great team.

Each child learns at a pace that suits their needs and flourishes to achieve their potential.

We strive to create a happy and safe environment for the children to learn and reach their potential.