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Multi Sensory Senior - Mrs Watterson

Welcome to Multi- Sensory Senior 

Mrs C . Watterson -  Teacher 

There are six pupils in MSS. 

Teaching and learning  are delivered in a stimulating environment , where every pupil can engage and respond through the senses at a pace appropriate to them. A broad, balanced and relevant learning experience is provided for all the pupils. 

The curriculum is delivered through: Sensory  Stories, Story Massage, Dance Massage, Intensive Interaction ,Parachute Games, Religious Education,  Holistic Music Programmes, Sensory  Art, use of Technology such as switches and floor  projectors, use of the Sensory Room and Outdoor Learning. 

We work closely with Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Speech  and Language Team and the Community Nursing Team to ensure that all the pupils individual needs are met. 


Some of our  learning experiences.