Transitions in Willowbridge
Pupils are supported to transition into the school through a range of strategies adapted to suit their specific individual needs. This could consist of:
- a programme of visits
- a phased introduction
- introduction through a single subject or courses
- an introduction through the mother and toddler group
- accessing therapy within the school
- Our aim is to help the school building and staff to become a more familiar part of everyday life and provide the pupil and parents with a seamless and happy transition into Willowbridge.
Formal qualifications offered at Willowbridge
Where appropriate pupils will be enrolled in the following qualifications;
KS 4 (Year 11 and 12)
CCEA Entry Level: English, Maths, HE, Occupational Studies, Art & Design, PE Enterprise
Non Accredited Courses
Careers – curricular and cross curricular
Music / Drama
Wednesday Forum
POST 16 (Year 13, 14 and 15)
Pupils have the option to attend South West College every Thursday to complete a wide range of subjects in Occupational Studies and can achieve a Level 1 or 2.
Each Tuesday pupils can elect to complete Work Experience in the community, alternatively they can work in our Wooden Spoon café on a Friday.
Accredited Subjects
Extended Occupational Studies
Essential Skills
Careers – curricular and cross curricular
Wednesday Forum
Transition out of the school is a very gradual process, starting in the academic year in which the child is 14 year old, although we very much hope that you will meet all the professionals that will be working with you throughout your journey through school at your year 10 Transition meeting. This is achieved with support from agencies, as well as working closely with working closely with:
- medical professionals
- the Transition Officers from the Education Authority
- Transition officers and support staff from Western Health and Social Care Trust
- the Careers Service
- school staff including our own Transition officer
We offer a phased introduction to employment through some of our school programmes and transition visits to possible suitable colleges and courses.
As part of The Fermanagh Learning Community, we have a steady flow of pupils into the school from other mainstream schools to access our courses. Pupils at Willowbridge also have the opportunity access other suitable courses in mainstream schools and colleges. We pride ourselves on our individual programmes and will always encourage pupils to extend and enhance their learning and progression in any areas they have special skill or interest in, through suitable opportunities in the Area Learning Community.
Transition out of the school must be completed by the academic year in which the pupil is 19 although this can happen at the end of Year 12 for pupils who which to progress on to training or employment at this point.
The Transition officers at present supporting you are:
School: Mr Ryan Keenan
Health / Trust: Mrs Theresa Love
Education Authority: to be confirmed
Careers Service: Maria Monaghan
Transitions Evening
This year our Transitions will take place in South West College and will talk to you about what Transitions should look like as well as introducing you to the wide range of support there is for the parents, guardians, and families of young people with Special Needs